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Sick Bird Publishing Company Updates Web Site

The Sick Bird Publishing Company has updated its Web site, improving the navigation as well as the overall look-and-feel.

"We received comments about the Web site's layout," said a SBPC official, "so we figured that it was as good a time as any to improve the navigation. And it's also easier on the eyes. We think our customers will be happy."

The official also confirmed that the SBPC is hard at work converting six years' worth of FLATLINE and FLATLINEplus to HTML format. "We expect the most recent issues to be online before the end of August," said the official. "We realize that some customers have had trouble with the PDF versions, and we're committed to making the HTML versions permanent and posted as quickly as possible."

The Sick Bird Publishing Company is best known for publishing FLATLINE and its supplement, FLATLINEplus, now in their sixth year of publication.