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North Korea Shows It's Hip to Royal Wedding Hype

(Pyongyang, NORTH KOREA) -- As billions of people around the planet plan to watch the April 29th wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton, one would think that several countries would try and stop its people from participating. One would think that an autocratic, brutal regime that has systematically starved millions of its own people, while isolating it from the international community for decades, would have better things to do than allow its people to watch a 20-minute wedding and 10 hours of pointless diatribe on CNN. But there are signs that such a regime may be cracking.

A wedding-related photo was recently circulated around North Korea with permission of its current leader, Kim Jong Il, and one would assume his heir-apparent and son, Kim Jong Un. Many North Korean experts say that this is the first time in decades that the North Korean government has acknowledged, in a non-belligerent way, any activity conducted by its arch-enemies, namely the West and, more specifically, the United States and its close patron, Great Britain. Of course, these are the same North Korean experts who said that North Korea would never go nuclear.

Will this turn out to be a turning point in the thawing of relations between North Korea and the rest of the world? Only time will tell. For the moment, a picture is worth a thousand words.


North Korea Shows It's Hip to Royal Wedding Hype. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;13(3-4):e3.