It's the most wonderful Site of the year.
We have health information
Supplied to the nation
And all linked from here.
It's the most wonderful Site of the year.
It's the best medical Web site of all.
For our prowess is showing
And numbers keep growing
As visitors call.
It's the best medical Web site of all.
You'll search TOXNET for TOXLINE
And PubMed for MEDLINE
Where canned searches run on the fly,
You can save your run searches
With Bookbag and Locker
And also My NCBI.
It's the most wonderful Site that can be.
We've demolished healthfinder
And won't be much kinder
To that damn WebMD.
It's the most wonderful Site,
It's the most wonderful Site,
It's the most wonderful Site that can be.
It's the Most Wonderful [Web] Site of the Year. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;13(11-12):e11. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2005 Nov-Dec;7(11-12):9.