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Oh, What a Feeling, When You're Up Against the Debt Ceiling
Amendments, Rallies, Pledges Fly as Time Runs Out

(Washington, DC) — The tax ceiling debate has almost hit its crescendo. Only the nighttime sounds of cicada-like insects can drown out the caterwauling, whining, posturing and despairing that can be heard in and around the Capitol. But a new effort for cutting both taxes and Federal government spending may be the way out of this national nightmare.

A resolution is being floated that would immediately save the Federal government $93,720,700. "These savings would be realized by denying salaries to the 435 members of the House of Representatives, the 100 members of the Senate, and the president and the vice-president," said a congressional spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity. "Granted, it's a drop in the bucket, but it's a start."

The congressional spokesman was immediately fired after making their statements.

The Constitution has also been the talk of the town as of late. For example, calls for a balanced budget amendment have been growing, but these calls have largely come from the most unbalanced members of Congress.

There has been talk of President Obama using the 14th Amendment to circumvent the debt ceiling debate and unilaterally raise it. In fact, instead of doing their jobs, several Democratic representatives held a "Use the 14th" rally at the corner of 14th and Constitution in Washington, DC on July 28.

But now there's even more talk about another amendment — the 16th Amendment — which allows for the taxation of income.

"If we repeal the 16th Amendment, it will mean tax cuts for every American," said a Tea Partyist spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity and foaming at the mouth. "That will mean lower taxes for everyone, and the Federal government will have to get rid of all those lazy, good-for-nothing Federal employees. That's win-win for everyone."

Oh, What a Feeling, When You're Up Against the Debt Ceiling: Amendments, Rallies, Pledges Fly as Time Runs Out. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e6.