(Washington, DC) — President Obama has requested a joint session of Congress for September 7, 2011 at 8:00pm to lay out new jobs proposals aimed at boosting the economy. "It is my intention to lay out a series of bipartisan proposals that the Congress can take immediately to continue to rebuild the American economy by strengthening small businesses, helping Americans get back to work, and putting more money in the paychecks of the middle class and working Americans, while still reducing our deficit and getting our fiscal house in order," said Obama in a letter to House Speaker John "Oh … My … God" Boehner (R-OH) and Senate Majority Leader Harry "NIMBY" (Not In My BackYard) Reid (D-NV). "As I have traveled across our country this summer and spoken with our fellow Americans, I have heard a consistent message: Washington needs to put aside politics and start making decisions based on what is best for our country and not what is best for each of our parties in order to grow the economy and create jobs. We must answer this call. "It is our responsibility to find bipartisan solutions to help grow our economy, and if we are willing to put country before party, I am confident we can do just that." Many Republicans are criticizing the timing of the proposed address; a debate between Republican presidential candidates is to take place in California at the same time. With unemployment at 9.1%, Obama has promised to lay out new ideas to boost the economy, but House Republicans have vowed to oppose any new spending and say they will come up with their own plans to reward the rich and penalize the poor. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), not included as a recipient of the letter, responded coolly to Obama's request. "We're happy to schedule the time," said a Cantor spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity. "But any speech given by the president to Congress must include at least $1 billion in spending cuts, preferably in FEMA, Social Security and Medicare. It must also include plans to eliminate the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency. And it must include plans for extending the Bush tax cuts until the year 2386." |
Obama Requests Time for Congressional Address on Jobs: Republicans Counter with Demands for Budget Cuts. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e9.