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Limbaugh Comments on Contraception
Slaps "Slut" and "Prostitute" Labels on Law Student

(Washington, DC) — Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh weighed in on the continuing national birth control debate with his usual brand of candor and compassion. And, as usual, his kind words were not well-received by everyone in his audience.

Limbaugh, who also serves as spiritual advisor to the likes of televangelists Pat Robertson ("The 700 Club") and Robert Schuller ("Hour of Power"), threw his considerable weight behind the opinion that the new health care law, backed and signed by President Obama, should not mandate birth control coverage at religious institutions, especially when the use of contraceptives goes against religious doctrine.

Former house speaker and current waste of space Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) arranged for Sandra Fluke, 24 and a third-year Georgetown law student, to testify during an unofficial House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee session on her university's policies on contraception.

Fluke testified that Georgetown's refusal to pay for birth control meant that some students pay $1000 out-of-pocket every year.

"What does that make her?" Limbaugh asked during a recent radio show. "It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception."

A radio station staff member apparently overheard other remarks while Limbaugh was on breaks during commercials.

"He was going on about Fluke's complexion," said the radio station staff member, speaking on condition of anonymity. "He was commenting on how bad it was, and maybe she should spend $1000 a year on soap, a washcloth and Proactiv instead of birth control pills. Now that was just nasty."

A Limbaugh spokesman said that Limbaugh will not offer an apology for his remarks.

"Certainly he can say whatever he wants, and that goes with the guarantee of free speech," said the Limbaugh spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity. "He will not apologize, but with that said, I've rarely seen Rush respond to the liberal agenda with such venom. I'm sure it was just a fluke."


Limbaugh Comments on Contraception: Slaps "Slut" and "Prostitute" Labels on Law Student. FLATLINE 2012 Mar-Apr;14(3-4):e1.