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Metro Maims its Own

(Washington, DC) — A Metro mechanic was struck by a train at its Shady Grove rail yard on May 29. Listed in critical condition, the man lost part of his leg when he stepped in front of the train, allegedly unintentionally.

Representatives from the National Transportation Safety Board, the Tri-State Oversight Committee, the Federal Transit Administration, and Metro's rate-control committee responded to the scene.

Metro is no stranger to accidents, deaths and dismemberments within its system:

  • On June 22, 2009, two trains collided at the Fort Totten Metro; eight civilians and one Metro employee were murdered

  • On August 10, 2009, a gravel-spreading machine, which resembles a small truck, was riding the rails and spreading gravel on the Orange Line when it struck and killed a Metro track repairman

  • On January 26, 2010, a gasoline-powered truck, modified to operate on the rails and carry gear and equipment, was moving in reverse when it struck and killed two Metro employees

Representatives from Metro's rate-control committee huddled at the accident site, determining how much more they would have to charge passengers due to the expected medical and legal expenses.

"We are thinking of a 5% across-the-board rate hike," said a committee member, speaking on condition of anonymity. "That, of course, is in addition to the 5% rate hike that we approved earlier this year for July 1."

On May 24, Metro’s board of directors unanimously passed its proposed 2.5 billion annual budget. Rates will rise 5% and parking will cost $.25 more per day.

"What can we say?" said another committee member, speaking on condition of anonymity. "It costs money to ride, maim and kill within the Metro system."


Metro Maims its Own. FLATLINE 2012 May-Jun;14(5-6):e4.