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NASA Raves over Mars Rover's Roving
Major Discoveries Mark First Trek

(Bradbury Landing, Mars) — NASA's Curiosity rover reached another milestone yesterday as it actually roved 15-20 feet from its landing point, its six wheels making tracks in the Martian soil, surprising NASA staff with immediate and unexpected discoveries.

The $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory, as the mission is formally known, travelled 352 million miles before landing the one-ton rover on the Red Planet on August 6.

Curiosity will be examining the Martian soil and air not just to look for current life, but to see if the planet is capable of supporting life – or was capable of supporting it in the past.

Curiosity immediately located Mitt Romney's tax returns for the years 2000 – 2011. About ten feet later, it found President Obama's birth certificate. Five feet after that, it found Donald Trump's brain, safely encased in a mayonnaise jar.

NASA is working on options to get the documents back to Earth. It has decided to leave Trump's brain where it can do the least amount of harm.

Mars Rover

NASA Raves over Mars Rover's Roving: Major Discoveries Mark First Trek. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e12.