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Brownie's Back
Doin' a Heck of a Job of Criticizing

(Denver, CO) — Michael Brown, the former FEMA director who President Shrub famously told in front of television cameras that he was "doin' a heck of a job" in response to the complete catastrophe and calamity of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, has criticized President Obama for his response to the unfolding disaster in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

Not only was Brown lauded by Shrub, he also sent a number of caring E-mails in the days that followed the August 2005 Katrina landfall in New Orleans, such as:

  • "If you'll look at my lovely FEMA attire you'll really vomit. I ama [sic] fashion god" (08/29/2005)

  • "Can I quit now? Can I go home?" (08/29/2005)

  • "I've had no reports of unrest, if the connotation of the word 'unrest' means that people are beginning to riot or, you know, they're banging on walls and screaming and hollering or burning tires or whatever. I've had no reports of that." (09/01/2005)

  • "I just feel like I'm getting the [explicative] beat out of me, but hey, we're working out [sic] butts off down here …" (09/03/2005)

  • "Order a #2, tater tots, large diet cherry limeade." (09/06/2005)

  • "I'm going to go home and walk my dog and hug my wife, and maybe get a good Mexican meal and a stiff margarita and a full night's sleep." (09/09/2005)

Brown's reaction is generally credited in showing the incompetence of FEMA, whose name has yet to recover from the beating it took over seven years ago.

Governors and mayors from New Jersey to New York City, from Philadelphia to Massachusetts, have given both Obama and FEMA high marks to-date regarding the response to a storm that knocked out power to over 7 million, killed at least 50, and destroyed much of the Jersey shore and lower Manhattan.

But that doesn't seem to have stopped Brown from opening his mouth once again.

"Here's my concern," Brown told Denver's Westword on Monday, suggesting that the prompt official response was actually making people complacent. "It's premature [when] the brunt of the storm won't happen until later this afternoon."

Current FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate dismissed Brown's criticisms, saying that it's "better to be fast than to be late."

The White House had no official comment over the exchange. "Frankly, we didn't even know that Brown was still alive," said a White House spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Hurricane Sandy
Former FEMA Director
Fashion God
Michael "Brownie" Brown

Brownie's Back: Doin' a Heck of a Job of Criticizing. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e31.