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BTS @ NRC: The Epidemic Continues

(Rockville, MD) — A year after first identifying Badge-Touching Syndrome (BTS) [H1N1 Fears Wean NRC Security from BTS. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e7], the condition is alive and well and spreading around the NRC.

Much has changed in the past year. The H1N1 virus is no longer a headline-stealing news story, yielding to stories about American reporters being beaten – and deservedly so – in Arab countries such as Egypt and Kreplachistan. Yet the swift changeover to new Federal badges – meant to tighten security in light of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks – 10 years after the attacks – has reinforced the insidious disease, pushing employees and security staff to a potential breaking point.

"The security Gestapo is back to touching everyone's badges," said an NRC employee, speaking on condition of anonymity. "Even though the badges activate transponders on walls throughout the agency, and are so simple to use that even a wombat with a migraine could use them, the Gestapo insists on doing it for employees."

"Their touching of badges vs. the operation of the transponders by employees isn't uniformly applied," said another NRC employee, speaking on condition of anonymity. It depends upon the time of day and the security guard, and most of them have a sour demeanor. It's just not fair."

Employees are trying to organize a self-help group for the affected guards, called Badge-Touchers Anonymous (BTA), but so far they've been rebuffed. "It's just like the time we tried to arrange to give them brains ... and the time we tried to arrange to give them personalities. They didn't like those suggestions, either," said an NRC manager, speaking on condition of anonymity.


BTS @ NRC: The Epidemic Continues. FLATLINE238 2011 Jan-Feb;13(1-2):e3.