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Many Angered by Bin Laden Burial

(Washington, DC) -- A debate is raging among scholars, theologians and religious leaders as to whether or not Osama bin Laden was buried "in accordance with custom" or instead in a way which dishonors the world's one billion Muslims.

Bin Laden was killed in a compound in Pakistan by United States special operations forces on May 1.

"The body was buried within 24 hours," said a White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity. "It was not cremated or embalmed. It was washed in accordance with tradition. It was wrapped in accordance with tradition. Prayers were said. The body was laid to rest at the bottom of the northern Arabian Sea. There was no desecration."

But that doesn't seem to be good enough for some, who hold that the body should have been buried on land. The United States has said that no country would be willing to take the body. Creating a shrine for Islamic fundamentalists to visit was another concern.

"There were bound to be complaints," said a State Department spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity. "But the truth is that we afforded bin Laden what most would call a decent burial. Keep in mind that, on September 11, 2001, thanks to bin Laden, thousands of people trapped burning 110-story buildings were given a choice: jump 1360 feet to their death, or stay in the buildings and have their 110 stories pancake upon them, floor by floor, for those 1360 feet to their death. Exactly which custom does that follow?"


Many Angered by Bin Laden Burial. FLATLINE 2011 May-Jun;13(5-6):e3.