(Annapolis, MD) — Governor Martin O'Malley (D-MD) proposed yet another tax on the residents of his beleaguered state on October 3. In the process, big business was set again to reap the benefits while the public suffered. O'Malley's newest tax plan would allow electric companies to charge ratepayers in advance of serious maintenance upgrades. It would supposedly add one or two dollars to a monthly electric bill. Utilities would also be required to meet a stricter standard of reliability. "It's a good plan," said an O'Malley spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity. "The tax … er, nominal monthly fee … will allow electric utilities to improve their service and plan for the long-term." "It's a disgrace and an outrage," said a Pepco customer, speaking on condition of anonymity. Pepco is the main supplier of electricity in Washington's Maryland suburbs and has been heavily criticized over its poor service. Consistently ranking near the bottom nationally on a list of utilities, Pepco was turned away by New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac because of their lack of competence and reliability. "Pepco is going to earn even more money when our power continues to go out even on clear days," continued the Pepco customer. "They can keep us without power for weeks while their CEOs are comfortable with heat or air conditioning or whatever. I guarantee that if O'Malley had been stuck without air conditioning this summer, even he would have to think twice about this new tax. And this is a guy who has just about run out of things in Maryland to tax." |
O'Malley's Move to Allow Electric Utilities to Increase Rates Not Shocking: Maryland Governor Finds another Way to Reward Incompetence and Punish Residents. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e19.