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Index Flatlinicus: FLATLINE

Note: The Index Flatlinicus currently only provides full-text links to stories from 2010 - present.

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Achin' to Take Back Those Words: Missouri Representative Akin "Misspoke" about Rape in America. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e9.

Ahmadinejad Calls for Restoration of Citrix-based ADAMS: Threatens Jihad Unless Interface Returns. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e12.

American Embassies Attacked, Americans Killed. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e5.

Another Year of Accidents, Death as Metro Marks Third Anniversary of Crash. FLATLINE 2012 May-Jun;14(5-6):e6.

Are You Ready for Some Hitler?! FLATLINE 2011 Sep-Oct;13(9-10):e3.

Art Modell, Longtime Browns and Ravens Owner, Dies: Bypasses Heaven, Descends Directly to Hell. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e2.

Assad Blames Others for Syrian Woes. FLATLINE 2011 May-Jun;13(5-6):e4.

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Bad Medicine: Health Care Bill Passes. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e9.

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Capital Punishment Restored: New Less Controversial Method Adopted by All 50 States. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e8.

Casey Anthony to Stay in Jail a While Longer: Forced to Cancel Celebratory Parties, Personal Appointments. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e3.

Casey Anthony's Probation to End: Set for Cross-Country "Party Tour" to Celebrate. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e10.

Chilean Miner Saga Ends with 33 Rescued after 69 Days: Mine Turned into Rehab Facility for the Rich and Infamous. FLATLINE 2010 Sep-Oct;12(9-10):e1.

Chinese High-Speed Trains Collide, Derail: WMATA Subsidiary Experiences Déjà Vu. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e5.

Clippings from the Shrub. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e3.

Clippings from the Shrub. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e3.

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Dalí ... Llama. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e4.

The Dark Knight Rises Sets Opening Weekend Record for 2-D Movies: On Track to Earn $160,000,000 for Warner Brothers. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e6.

Democrats Tap Schlong to Replace Weiner. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e1.

Deportation Order Halted … Thanks to The Washington Post. FLATLINE 2012 May-Jun;14(5-6):e5.

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Earthquake Victims Recall, Remember as Life Slowly Returns to Normal. FLATLINE 2011 Jan-Feb;13(1-2):e1.

Express Lane Shootout: Pathmark Worker Shoots Two Colleagues, Kills Self. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e17.

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For Republicans, Bachmann's the Real Deal, Pilgrim! FLATLINE 2011 May-Jun;13(5-6):e6.

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Germantown Crime Spree Perps Imprisoned: Montgomery County Officials Warn Other Criminals to Keep Away. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e4.

Goodnight, Irene: Hurricane Devastates East Coast. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e8.

The Greatest Drugs of All. FLATLINE 2012 Jan-Feb;14(1-2):e1.

Groundbreaking Museum Slated for National Mall. FLATLINE 2012 Jan-Feb;14(1-2):e2.

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H1N1 Fears Wean NRC Security from BTS. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e7.

Have a Fukushima Christmas. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;13(11-12):e13.

House of Representatives Passes Bill to Temporarily Fund Federal Government: Stopgap Measure Runs through March 31, 2013. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e6.

"Houston, We Have a Pica Problem!" Cause of Apollo 13 Explosion Finally Known. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e1.

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Infestation at HHS Building Has Employees Going Buggy. FLATLINE 2010 Sep-Oct;12(9-10):e2.

Investigation of Shoe-Throwing Incident Widened: Word of Possible Cover-up Shakes Washington. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e11.

Isaac Socks New Orleans: Hurricane Doing a Heck of a Job in Flooding Area. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e14.

It's the Most Wonderful [Web] Site of the Year. FLATLINE 2005 Nov-Dec;7(11-12):9.

It's the Most Wonderful [Web] Site of the Year. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e11. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2005 Nov-Dec;7(11-12):9.

It's the Most Wonderful [Web] Site of the Year. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;13(11-12):e11. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2005 Nov-Dec;7(11-12):9.

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Jackson Jr. Receiving Treatment for a Mood Disorder: "Undisclosed Residential Treatment Facility" Not in New York City. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e2.

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Katrina's Greatest Hits: Infamous Quotes Related to the Hurricane. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e13.

Kennedy-Murtha 2012. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e2.

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Limbaugh Comments on Contraception: Slaps "Slut" and "Prostitute" Labels on Law Student. FLATLINE 2012 Mar-Apr;14(3-4):e1.

Lindberg Got Run Over By a Booktruck. FLATLINE 1998 Dec;1(1):2.

Lindberg Got Run Over By a Booktruck. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e4. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 1998 Dec;1(1):2.

Lindberg Got Run Over By a Booktruck. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e4. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 1998 Dec;1(1):2.

Lindberg is Our Director. FLATLINE 1999 Nov-Dec;1(12):5.

Lindberg is Our Director. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e5. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 1999 Nov-Dec;1(12):5.

Lindberg is Our Director. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e5. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 1999 Nov-Dec;1(12):5.

Looking a Gift Horse in the Metro: Department Buys Itself Lavish Gifts While Riders Suffer from Budget-Related Cuts. FLATLINE 2012 Mar-Apr;14(3-4):e5.

Lovie ... Haiti. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e9.

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Many Angered by Bin Laden Burial. FLATLINE 2011 May-Jun;13(5-6):e3.

March Supporting Trayvon Martin Brings Out the Worst in Celebrities. FLATLINE 2012 Mar-Apr;14(3-4):e6.

Massachusetts Solves Energy Crisis: Senator Kennedy Continues to Give of Himself. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e3.

MEDLINEplus. FLATLINE 2000 Nov-Dec;2(11-12):4.

MEDLINEplus. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e7. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2000 Nov-Dec;2(11-12):4.

MEDLINEplus. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;13(11-12):e7. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2000 Nov-Dec;2(11-12):4.


MEDLINE MEDLINE MEDLINE. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e6. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 1999 Nov-Dec;1(12):5.

MEDLINE MEDLINE MEDLINE. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;13(11-12):e6. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 1999 Nov-Dec;1(12):5.

MedlinePlus Go Local Going ... Going ... Gone! Nine-Year-Old Program Axed by NLM. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e8.

Metro Attempts to Redefine Itself. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e3.

Metro Commissions New PSA: Advises "Help Them, Then Rob Them" to Riders. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e9.

Metro Implements NTSB Recommendations Regarding Safety: Nearly Two Dozen Recommendations Still Unfulfilled. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e8.

Metro Introduces New 7000-Series Rail Car Prototype: "Kill 'Em with Style" is Latest Motto. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e2.

Metro Maims its Own. FLATLINE 2012 May-Jun;14(5-6):e4.

Metro Marks Anniversary of Red Line Crash: Touts "Progress" In Two Years since Accident. FLATLINE 2011 May-Jun;13(5-6):e5.

Metro Opens Wallets: 10¢ Fare Increase Just the Beginning. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e6.

Metro Takes Heat over Latest Incident. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e1.

Metro's Adoring Detractors Cite Door Delay Issues. FLATLINE 2012 Mar-Apr;14(3-4):e4.

Metrorail Doors Open on Moving Train Loaded with Passengers. FLATLINE 2012 May-Jun;14(5-6):e2.

Mikulski Mad at Metro: Cites "Disturbed" Constituents. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e5.

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Name of Common Linguistic Malady Expanded: Disease Reclassification May Not Sit "Well" with Some. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e10.

NASA Raves over Mars Rover's Roving: Major Discoveries Mark First Trek. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e12.

NASA Visits Mars (Again): Attempts to Seek Out Past, Present Conditions for Life. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e8.

New Reg Café to Help NRC Clean House. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e5.

The Night the Lights Went Out on Metro. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e4.

No Electricity? Have No Fear, New Orleans! DC's Pepco Volunteers to Come to the Rescue. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e16.

North Korea Shows It's Hip to Royal Wedding Hype. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;13(3-4):e3.

Nuclear Wonderland. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e12.

Nuclear Wonderland. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;13(11-12):e12. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e12.

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O MEDLINEplus. FLATLINE 2002 Nov-Dec;4(11-12):5.

O MEDLINEplus. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e8. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2002 Nov-Dec;4(11-12):5.

O MEDLINEplus. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;13(11-12):e8. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2002 Nov-Dec;4(11-12):5.

Obama Insults Poland during Medal of Honor Ceremony. FLATLINE 2012 May-Jun;14(5-6):e3.

Obama Rejected on Time for Congressional Address on Jobs: Republicans to President: Drop Dead. FLATLINE 2011 Sep-Oct;13(9-10):e1.

Obama Requests Time for Congressional Address on Jobs: Republicans Counter with Demands for Budget Cuts. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e9.

Oh Institute of NLM. FLATLINE 2004 Nov-Dec;6(11-12):7.

Oh Institute of NLM. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e10. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2004 Nov-Dec;6(11-12):7.

Oh Institute of NLM. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;13(11-12):e10. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2004 Nov-Dec;6(11-12):7.

Oh, What a Feeling, When You're Up Against the Debt Ceiling: Amendments, Rallies, Pledges Fly as Time Runs Out. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e6.

One Year Later, Still Picking up the Pieces. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e11.

OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD. FLATLINE 2011 May-Jun;13(5-6):e1.

Osama bin Laden Death Photos Released. FLATLINE 2011 May-Jun;13(5-6):e2.

Osama bin Laden: Environmentalist: Takes Up Cause of Global Warming. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e13.

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Palin-Plumber 2012. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e2.

Paul-Paul 2012. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e2.

Planning Successful Meetings: Book Review. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e6.

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Qaddafi Chooses the Psycho Path. FLATLINE 2011 Jan-Feb;13(1-2):e2.

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Railing Against Another Metro Decision. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e1.

Republican Party Finds a New Chair: Eastwood's Soliloquy Earns Him a Seat at the Table. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e1.

Republican, Conservative Attacks No Fluke: Pundits Once Again Cross the Line of Decency. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e3.

Romney Calls Obama a Liar: Clairvoyant Candidate Predicts Falsehoods during Debates. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e7.

Romney Leads in Letter-Number Contest. FLATLINE 2012 Sep-Oct;14(9-10):e4.

Russian Superjet Crashes into Volcano: Republicans Blame Obama. FLATLINE 2012 May-Jun;14(5-6):e1.

Ryan's Hopeless: Wisconsin Representative Selected as Republican VP Nominee. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e7.

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SeniorHealth is Coming to Town. FLATLINE 2004 Nov-Dec;6(11-12):7.

SeniorHealth is Coming to Town. FLATLINE 2010 Nov-Dec;12(11-12):e9. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2004 Nov-Dec;6(11-12):7.

SeniorHealth is Coming to Town. FLATLINE 2011 Nov-Dec;13(11-12):e9. Reprinted from: FLATLINE 2004 Nov-Dec;6(11-12):7.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: Chopsticks and Suicide. FLATLINE 2004 May-Jun; 6(5-6):3.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: Dying to Go on Holiday. FLATLINE 2004 Nov-Dec; 6(11-12):3.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: Extensive Petechiae in Attempted Self-Strangulation. FLATLINE 2010 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e7.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: Fatal Suicidal Crossbow Injury – The Ability to Act. FLATLINE 2011 Sep-Oct;13(9-10):e2.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: Harpoon Scrotal Injury: Unusual Accident in Submarine Fishing. FLATLINE 2004 Jul-Aug; 6(7-8):3.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: Mutilating Corn-picker Injuries of the Hand. FLATLINE 2005 Mar-Apr; 7(3-4):6.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: New Year's Eve Injuries Caused by Celebratory Gunfire – Puerto Rico, 2003. FLATLINE 2005 Nov-Dec; 7(11-12):3.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: Postmortem Non-invasive Virtual Autopsy: Death by Hanging in a Car. FLATLINE 2005 May-Oct; 7(5-10):7.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: Russian Roulette with a Knife. FLATLINE 2006 May-Oct; 8(5-10):4.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: Suicide Attempts by Firearms and by Leaping from Heights: A Comparative Study of Survivors. FLATLINE 2010 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e7.

SeñorHealth Says ... "¡Go Loco!" Improbable (but True) Tales from the Medical Literature: A Suicide by Self-decapitation. FLATLINE 2006 Jan-Apr; 8(1-4):4.

Sheen's Wisdom Shines in Multiple Interviews. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;13(3-4):e1.

A Sociopathic Profile in Courage: Animal Torturer and Murderer Vick Honored with Award. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e5.

Stan Stearns, Photographer Who Captured John-John Casket Salute, Dies: Sanitarium "Sick" Over Photograph. FLATLINE 2012 Mar-Apr;14(3-4):e2.

Storming on in Louisiana, Partying on in Tampa: Republicans and Racists Celebrate While Louisiana Floods. FLATLINE 2012 Jul-Aug;14(7-8):e15.

Super Tuesday Shows the Republican Race Slogs On. FLATLINE 2012 Mar-Apr;14(3-4):e3.



SUPREME COURT RULES ON PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT: Individual Mandate Overturned, Rest of Law Stands. FLATLINE 2012 May-Jun;14(5-6):e8.

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Talkin' 'Bout My Registration. FLATLINE 2010 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e1.

Tea Party Weighs In On Metro Fare Increases: Suggest Higher Increase to Offset Subsidies. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e11.

Tea Partyists Head Back to School: Universities to Support Organization's Platform with Curriculum, Degrees. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;12(3-4):e12.

Threats Against Politicians Continue As Election Day Nears. FLATLINE 2010 Sep-Oct;12(9-10):e3.

Three Mile Island: Welcome Home! Residential Development Opened at Nuclear Accident Site. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e4.

Trump-Blagojevich 2012. FLATLINE 2011 Mar-Apr;13(3-4):e2.

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Umbrella Bags Promote NRC Safety: May Also Promote Agency Downsizing Efforts. FLATLINE 2010 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):e10.

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What's Shakin'? Massive Earthquake Devastates East Coast. FLATLINE 2011 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):e7.

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